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“Looking through your child’s eyes changes everything” ~ Straight up with Chris | Raising Arizona Kids Magazine | The List Show

Parenting Websites
The Mother Company
How Parental Worry Affects Our Kids
Cultivating Kindness in Our Kids
On the Radio
Better Food Choices
Dr. Beth talks with Ellen Briggs about food, child behavior, & nutritionist referrals. Mar. ’14
VoiceAmerica Variety
Straight Up with Chris
Real Talk About Business & Parenthood
Kind Coaching Can Turn the Tide in the Family Room & the Workroom
Dr. Beth talks with Chris Effessiou about cooling off kids & co-workers: Mar. ’13
Puppet Play: Setting the Stage for Social Skills
Jan. ’09 Dr. Beth helps explain why puppets help children in therapy.
Oct. ’13 Dr. Beth recommends two toys: gears (pictured left) on p.9 and pretend food on p.2.
On TV & Video
Vidoyen is a video-blog platform for experts and thought leaders.
Dr. Onufrak is an expert contributor.
Click here to view her videos on child psychology topics.
The List Show: ABC15
The Breakdown: Creative Ways to Connect With Your Kids
May 2014 Dr. Beth chats with host Matt Gallant about a creative dad in the news and ways to bring you closer to your child.